Sunday, May 24, 2009

Mama at the Movies: The Iron Giant

I always imagined that my kids and I would watch loads of movies together. We would start at home with sweet animated features like Toy Story or movies I loved as a kid, like The Red Balloon. Then as they got older, we would go out regularly, settling in with our salty buckets of popcorn to watch the latest family flick. It hasn't worked out like that, though. Ben, at seven, has only seen one movie in a theater, a special screening of The Polar Express for a friend's birthday. He lasted about ten minutes before he came out to the lobby, overwhelmed; the loud soundtrack and the huge projected images were just too much for him. Meanwhile, although I managed a few mom and baby movies when Eli was still a tiny nursling, I had to quit those screenings before he was nine months old; instead of sleeping quietly while I caught up on the latest releases, he wanted to watch and chat with the figures on screen. At four, he's happy to watch the same movies at home that Ben has been watching for years: Curious George; Toy Story; The Little Prince. But I'm getting bored, and wanted to find something new that might suit their very different temperaments.

Read the rest of the column over at Literary Mama!

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