Reading in Bed

Everyone in the family is falling asleep with books in their hands these days. I've been absorbed in Irene Nemirovsky's amazing, heartbreaking ; Tony's filling a gap in his California history with Simon Winchester's . Ben, as you see in this picture, is just trying to absorb as much information as he can (he alternates reading this encyclopedia and a fabulous book of simple science experiments for ages 5 and up). And Eli lately takes to bed with him at every nap, clearly enjoying the message about not really tidying his basket; the current crib census includes 6 blankets (which he names as I lay them over him), his lovey (aka "patch blanket"), one mole, one knit bear, one lemur, one Pat the Bunny, one Piglet, one giraffe, one gorilla, one dachshund, one cow, one baby doll, two small stuffed dogs (Brown Doggie and Purple Doggie) and one plastic goat.
Labels: family life, reading
I love this! The picture is great, I love hearing what others are reading and I especially love the list of all the crib buddies. There was a long period when I had to say goodnight to each of Caroline's 'friends' before I left the room- the crowd has slimmed but only slightly!
How adorable. But that towering stack of books looks like it's about to fall on his head! I like the list of crib buddies, too. It reminds me of a photo I took of my son with all his crib buddies.
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