Sunday, November 11, 2007

Because He's Two

  • Two nights in his new big-boy bed
  • Two trips to Ikea to visit the bed before we bought it
  • Two critters, a dog and a cat, on the headboard of his new "kritter" bed
  • Two two-word phrases that made us decide against bunk beds ("jungle gym" and "stomach flu")
  • Two trips to the bathroom each night after bedtime
  • Two boys happy about having a roommate
  • Two two A.M. cuddles since leaving the crib behind
  • Two mornings with Eli walking down the hall to our room, announcing happily "Li awake! It sunny day!"
Here's to a couple years of good sleeping in this new bed!



At 5:11 PM, Anonymous Stacey said...

Oh, Caroline wants bunk beds so badly once Katherine is out of her crib- I had thought of the jungle gym reason but not the stomach flu reason- yuck!

At 5:32 PM, Blogger  said...

I love the bed!! How very cool. (Should I admit that my almost-three-year-old is still sleeping in her crib?! We're kind of going with the "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" plan over here, I think!)

At 6:52 PM, Blogger  said...

Oh, Ben was in a crib till he was 3+, too, for the same reason (he was sleeping, we weren't about to mess!). But E's a different kid, and I think 2nd kids move faster in many of these things...

At 5:47 AM, Anonymous mom said...

Well, congratulations to Eli! How long will it be before Ben takes care of the bathroom escort service?



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