Sunday, February 03, 2008

If you happen to be in Santa Clara...

Go check out the exhibit at the de Saisset Museum, Eye on the Sixties. Tony and I went to the opening Friday night, and rather than having to hunt for his dad's sculpture, as we thought we might, were happy to meet up with it right in the front lobby, glowing in the light.

We'd never seen this one in person, and it was fun to see it in context with some other beautiful and unfamiliar acrylic and resin pieces, as well as some more famous pieces, like Claes Oldenburg's creepy moving Ice Bag, and some great paintings and drawings as well. We introduced ourselves to a couple of Tony's dad's old friends, including Bruce Beasley (who pointed out how ill-suited most museums are to exhibiting sculpture: not much natural light, no cranes to lift heavy pieces...) and we chatted with the Andersons, who are quite charming and unassuming guardians of a multi-million dollar collection. But my favorite quote of the night was from Ronald Davis (that's his piece, Spoke, at the top of the de Saisset Web site) who chimes in on the whole tangled question of abstract art vs. realism quite simply:

"The painting's just gotta look better than the wallpaper."


image copyright The Estate of James Grant.

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At 3:30 PM, Blogger  said...

That's wonderful. Thanks so much for the link!

At 8:56 AM, Blogger  said...

I wish I WERE in Santa Clara--I love those types of exhibits.

At 8:57 AM, Blogger  said...

P.S., I went to Trader Joe's a few days ago and was crestfallen (well, devastated) to find they did not have those chocolate and sea salt caramels.

At 10:54 AM, Blogger  said...

I'm sorry I can't go there. I love abstract art. Davis' piece looks STUNNING and your FIL's sculpture is gorgeous too. I love colorful pieces like those!

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