Saturday, September 27, 2008

Raising 'em right

Or Left, in fact:

I had promised to offer matching funds on his proceeds, so thanks to the generosity of our neighbors, we mailed a check for $65.60 to the campaign today. (I had suggested perhaps "Good luck" as a more appropriate sign off, but Ben, with less experience of losing than I, thought that sounded lame. I like the boy's confidence.)

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At 5:00 AM, Anonymous stacey said...

I love it! I like Happy Winning- let's cross our fingers that it works!

At 8:38 PM, Anonymous tigerlily said...

That is absolutely adorable!

At 10:17 PM, Blogger  said...

Excellent idea; what a great way to get your kids politically involved! I put a pic of my daughter in front our Obama sign on her blog (and added a poll on its appropriateness -- we'll see!)

At 10:28 AM, Anonymous single mom seeking said...

Mae had a lemonade stand for Obama last weekend, too! With one of her school friends... I need to post pics!

She and her friend raised $100, and when they dropped it off at the phone banks, one woman got very teary.

Go kids!!

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