Sunday, January 10, 2010

Me on TV!

In case you missed it, here's the clip of my recent segment on View from the Bay:

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At 6:57 AM, Blogger  said...

Awesome! It's a great interview. I guess I'll go ahead and order The Invention of Hugo Cabret for the boys. You look great on TV!

P.S. I always love to see another beautiful curly-haired fellow out there. :-)

At 2:12 PM, Blogger  said...

Thank you, Lilian! And definitely look for Hugo Cabret for your boys; it's a gorgeous, moving book.

At 5:36 AM, Anonymous Stacey said...

I just had a chance to watch! What fun! You did a beautiful job... I always think that I have found every children's book out there but I am thrilled to learn about some new titles here!

At 10:30 AM, Anonymous Nicki Richesin said...

You were so poised and eloquent, as always. Well done! I loved your recommendations too.

At 10:57 PM, Blogger  said...

Hey, thanks for putting up the clip so we could see it. You seemed relaxed, like you were enjoying yourself. I think I'll treat myself to checking out those books for myself! I presented some children's books to the ESL class I've been assisting in. They liked "How My Parents Learned to Eat," by Ina Friedman (intercultural theme).

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