Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Kids in the Kitchen

I am all about encouraging kids to cook, to experiment with food, to hang out in the kitchen with me as much as possible. This often means creating a big mess, but I think the long-term gains (kids with healthy attitudes about food) are worth it. At the moment, my boys eat well, have strong opinions about food, and are happy to watch the Food Network with me when we fly on JetBlue. So far, so good.

So I was happy to learn about Spatulatta, a cooking show by and for kids. It's not on network tv yet, just on the web, but they're aiming more broadly. It's a sweet show, with recipes and videos demonstrating essential kitchen skills, from separating an egg to arranging a Mother's Day breakfast tray! If you agree that the show offers good, educational entertainment for kids, click on the survey at the website; the results may help them get their own PBS show!

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