20 Questions
No, it's not a meme, it's how we got through 5 1/2 hours on the way to Yosemite. It's more like 75 questions, but still, it amused me.
Is it alive? (yes)
Is it green? (no)
Is it a plant? (no)
Is it yellow? (no)
Is it an animal? (no)
Is it a person? (yes!)
Is it an insect? (no)
I had to stop writing this Q&A down to deal with Eli and now I forget what the eventual answer was. But the pause gave us a chance to chat about general questions and specific questions, categories and the like, and then we tried again with a new answer.
Is it made of vinyl? (no)
Is it made of glass? (no)
Is it made of plastic? (no)
Is it made of metal? (no)
Is it made of elastic? (no)
Is it made of wood? (no)
Is it made of rubber? (no)
A pause here to suggest that Ben could ask a basic dead or alive question. He considers, then resumes:
Is it made of paper? (yes!)
And so having proven his method is effective, he moves on:
Is it an origami bird? (no)
Is it an origami frog? (no)
Is it an origami balloon? (no)
Is it an origami airplane? (no)
Is it a songbook? (we're stunned by the rapid shift in questioning, and sadly answer no)
Does it have to do with music? (no)
Is it a book? (no)
I give him a clue: it has to do with a recent holiday. We review what he knows: it is made of paper. He continues:
Does it have to do with Chinese New Year? (no)
Does it have to do with President's Day? (still in the future we remind him, and no)
Does it have to do with Valentine's Day? (yes! we see the light at the end of the tunnel! and then...)
Is it a candy wrapper? (no; and when did Valentine's Day start to rival Halloween in the kid candy haul department?)
Is it a Valentine?
Ding! ding! ding! hurray! and now a break while we bang our heads against the steering wheel, take a deep breath, and begin again.
Is it a ... ?
Labels: family life, questions, road trips, vacations