Saturday, August 25, 2007

8 Things Meme

I was tagged for this meme once already, but it's always fun to play. And since tonight Eli took an extra-long time to go to sleep (see list 4), I have written an extra-long response. I posted the rules previously, so I'm skipping that step now; I'm also all out of bloggers to tag. But I will say that Jean Kazez tagged me, a contributor to Mama, PhD and a terrific writer, so go check her out!

List One: 8 small ways to improve the world
join MomsRising
subscribe to a CSA
call the organizations who send you junk mail and get off their lists (or sign up for Green Dimes to do it for you)
walk, carpool, take public transit
buy refillable water bottles

List Two: 8 things Ben has made from his new cookbook
heart in hand cookies
extra e-z fudge
papa’s pesto
berry dip and roll
boss banana bread
blueberry pie
chocolate covered bananas
bunny salad

List Three: 8 things I carry in my bag
rosebud lip salve
eye drops

List Four: 8 things I’d rather be doing now than keeping Eli company while he falls asleep
drinking a glass of water
doing research for an essay
packing for our trip
eating the last piece of blueberry pie
putting 3 years of family pictures into an album (or two or three)
reading the newspaper
watching a movie with Tony

List Five: 8 best movies I’ve seen so far this year
Away from Her
Whale Rider

The Miracle of Morgan's Creek

The Lives of Others

The Namesake

51 Birch Street

List Six: 8 things I worry about sometimes
light pollution
global warming
the safety of our food supply
the war
my kids’ nutrition
global malnutrition

List Seven: Eli’s current 8 favorite books
The Bunnies Are Not In Their Beds
I Went Walking
Everywhere Babies
Why Do Babies Do That
The New Baby Train
A Fish Out of Water
The Baby Goes Beep

List Eight: Recent(ish) reading that’s stayed with me
The New Yorker article on light pollution
Irene Nemirovsky’s Suite Francaise
Michael Pollan’s The Omnivore’s Dilemma
Nicole Krauss’ The History of Love
Andrea Barrett’s Secret Harmonies
Jeannette Walls’ The Glass Castle
Audrey Niffenegger’s The Time Traveler's Wife
Susan O'Doherty's Getting Unstuck without Coming Unglued

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At 8:19 AM, Blogger  said...

Thanks for the links under "small ways to improve the world." We'll be signing up for Green Dimes and subscribing to a CSA (if you can subscribe mid-season, not sure if you can, but there are 13 farms near us to choose from!) this week. :)

At 10:28 AM, Blogger  said...

Aww, I love that The Baby Goes Beep is on Eli's list! Such a good book. :)

At 5:53 PM, Blogger  said...

This post has been removed by the author.

At 7:52 PM, Blogger  said...

Eight things squared (a first I wrote "cubed", I'm forgetting basic math). Lots of fun.

At 8:49 PM, Blogger  said...

We wouldn't know about The Baby Goes Beep without you, Elrena, so thanks!

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