Search Inside!

I think the only thing better than having a copy of your new arrive in the mail is discovering that it's available for on-line searching! I clicked around happily (there's Jennifer's essay! oh, here's a page of Alissa's! and here's Libby's! and Elrena's! and Lisa's!), getting reacquainted with old friends, compiling random stats (3 pages--that seems low, actually-- with references to breastfeeding, 9 pages with references to naps, 71 pages referencing tenure) until I realized it was time to pick up Ben from school.
So click around and let me know what you think!
Labels: mama phd
OK, that is seriously fun. Now I really want my copy! I can only read about three pages of any one essay (fair enough...) and I want more!!
I can't believe you're hyphenating on-line...our copyeditor would be proud. :)
Yeah, three pages is low for breastfeeding (not hyphenated -- did you see that whole discussion here?).
Didn't I do a count once, at some point, to breastfeeding or nursing references? I don't remember what my criteria was, but I remember I came up with 42 -- the Answer, of course -- and also equal to our number of contributors!
Congratulations! How wonderful. I will search around inside for a preview.
My pre-ordered copy is due to arrive this week! Can't wait! :)
Dear Caroline Grant
I saw you book...
I did my PhD at a children’s hospital and now mom are using it for ADHD.
Applications are large ranging from cancer support, needle issues, ADHD, Autism, bulling, relaxing and helping children to study etc.
I would really like to know how I can get the product better known in the USA.
You can see more information and references at the web site:
I can send you a free link to the product if you want to try it.
The product is free to very ill children with a doctor’s note.
Awareness of Animal Agentz.
We (“I” but I have to say “we” due to the funding body) are a new company launching a web-based product based on Dr Jones PhD on Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) for children at Great Ormond's Street Hospital for Children (medical suppor/ ref on the web site) After a long period of time the product is finally "live" on-line. The support from moms has always been tremendous.
The applications for the product are wide and range from blood tests (based on research in hospitals), educational issues which include examination stress, ADHD, bullying and helping children in their everyday environment.
We have the support of medical staff (UK & USA) and underwent an independent study on what mothers think about the product. This has all been very positive and we have found many new applications for Animal Agentz. We also have a published medical study.
I would be grateful for your advice or any suggestions you may have with regard to the most effective route to let people know we exist or persons to talk to in the UK and USA (parent groups, editors, bloggers on child issues, PTA etc). Currently the product only works on broadband.
We do not have any funding for marketing and our original fund has run out so we need to make this product sell to support future medical research for issues surrounding asthma, autism, cystic fibrosis, sickle cell disease, child mental health and cancer support. We have highly qualified people who know that Animal Agentz can significantly help the quality of children's lives.
Please contact me for a demonstration of the production and further information or check out the website
I look forward to hearing from you.
Thank you,
When we recently conducted an independent trial of our product, we found parents had many more applications for which they used Animal Agentz.
The Animal Agentz behaviours are as follows:
Breathing skills; taught by a fish
Stretching skills; taught by a dog
Distraction skills; taught by a cat
Guided imagery skills; taught by a monkey
Positive self statements; taught by a lion
The parents applied these behaviours in new ways to help their child.
Always ask your doctor how best to use Animal Agentz.
Responses from independent research:
"This is perfect and what me and my family have been waiting years
for. My 9 yr old has A.D.H.D and presents behavioural difficulties.
His biological father rejected him a yr ago and this hasn't helped,
his self esteem is very low and finds making new friends very
stressful. The local social services tell me he needs therapy like
this but are unable to provide it! I am having to pay a private
therapist to help my son so when this comes in which I know would
benefit many parents that I email, talk to etc then I can guarantee at
least 15 sales for definite....where do I order!!!! Great idea and
very user friendly, fab idea and so much needed for the 21st century
where many children face daily struggles with little or no help and so
they suffer. I am in 100% support of this stimulating and so much
needed idea!" Mrs Garvey, East Yorkshire
"I did these exercises with my daughter; she loved them and wants to
play again." Mrs Rogers, Plymouth
"This product is excellent and would also be beneficial to children
with disorders such as ADHD. It would also be a great intro DVD for
children who are about to be admitted to hospital as there was nothing
like this about when my son had to go in for a heart op and it would
have helped him no end." Miss Gooch, Norwich
"I think it's an extremely good idea."Mrs Hirst, Eastbourne
"Whilst doing this survey my son who is 7 and a type 1 diabetic came
to watch and listen of his own accord; he really liked it." Ms Halden,
West Midlands
"Great idea as it is." Miss Hartley, Lancashire
"I looked at the video with my 6 yr old and she loved it." Mrs Reeves, Norfolk
"This would be well received in schools." Mrs McFadden, Antrim
"Responses from independent research conducted by Mum'sViews Ltd"
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