Wednesday, September 02, 2009

"The Juggle" -- How Mom Writers Balance Parenthood & Writing/Book Promotion

On September 11th, I'll be one of the guests on Christina Katz's Twitter #platformchat! I'll be talking with author and mother-daughter book club consultant, Cindy Hudson about "'The Juggle' -- How Mom Writers Balance Parenthood & Writing/Book Promotion."

Here are the details from Christina's website:

Time: 11:00 - noon PT (noon - 1:00 MT, 1:00 - 2:00 CT, & 2:00 - 3:00 ET).

Anyone with a Twitter account can participate. I recommend using and plugging in our hashtag, #platformchat, to follow and participate in the chat. Once you have a Twitter account, you can use your Twitter ID and password to get a Tweetchat account very quickly.
I hope you will bring your questions on this topic and join the discussion!

Here's a little more about our guests:

[trimming the paragraph about me since I think visitors here know who I am]

Cindy Hudson is a mother-daughter book club consultant, journalist, writer, and editor. She is the author of Book By Book, The Complete Guide to Creating Mother-Daughter Book Clubs. She has more than twenty years experience as a marketing and public relations professional, and has founded two mother-daughter book clubs of her own. Visit her online at and

#platformchat moderators are:

Christina Katz is the author of Get Known Before the Book Deal, Use Your Personal Strengths to Build an Author Platform and Writer Mama, How to Raise a Writing Career Alongside Your Kids (both for Writer’s Digest Books). A platform development coach and consultant, she teaches writing career development, hosts the Northwest Author Series, and is the publisher of several e-zines including Writers on the Rise. Christina blogs at The Writer Mama Riffs and Get Known Before the Book Deal, and speaks at MFA programs, literary events, and conferences around the country. Follow Christina on Twitter at @thewritermama.

Meryl K. Evans is the author of Brilliant Outlook Pocketbook, co-author of Adapting to Web Standards: CSS and Ajax for Big Sites and contributor to many others. The long-time blogger and gamer has written and edited for a bunch of places online and off. A native Texan, she lives a heartbeat north of Dallas in Plano, Texas with her husband and three kiddos. Though born in silence, she tries to show that deaf people are just like everyone else. Follow Meryl on Twitter at @merylkevans.
Please tune in on the 11th and contribute to the discussion!

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Sunday, August 30, 2009

The Writer Mama Back-to-School Giveaway with Mama, PhD!

My friend and fellow mama-writer, one of the most savvy internet book marketing women I know, Christina Katz, is once again running her Writer Mama Back-to-School Giveaway where she gives away one book or magazine subscription every day in September. On September 25th, I'm delighted that Mama, PhD will be included in a trio of anthologies edited by Literary Mama editors Shari MacDonald Strong and Amy Hudock.

Our books -- ; ; and --will be up for giveaway on September 25th. To see a complete list of what you can win, visit Christina’s Writer Mama blog. You can enter every day if you want, so bookmark her site and visit again and again. Good luck!

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Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Book Review/Giveaway--Who's Your Mama: The Unsung Voices of Women and Mothers

The hardest aspect of editing was not editing the selections, nor working with the publisher to fine-tune essays, nor copyediting, nor even coordinating all of this work with a coeditor living 3,000 miles away who had two (now three!) kids of her own. No, I think really the hardest part was actually getting the essays. We sent out a call for submissions to our friends, and asked them to send it to their friends; we published it on list-servs and websites and broadcast it as widely as we knew how. It wound up in places that we didn't even know existed, like the Women and Crime mailing list. But still, many of the essays came from women of similar backgrounds and in similar disciplines as ourselves. For Mama, PhD this wasn't a deal-breaker: the collection winds up accurately reflecting the diversity of women in higher education. Still, I know there are more stories out there that we didn't manage to uncover, and I'll always wonder how we might have found them.

Yvonne Bynoe, who edited , found an amazingly diverse group of women to contribute to her anthology. The women are different races and ethnicities; they are single, widowed, divorced and partnered, gay and straight, mothers and childless, at home with their kids and working outside the home. The women are not all professional writers, but they contribute deeply-felt stories which are powerfully told.

Mary Warren Foulk's piece, "Which One's the Mother?", beautifully traces her complicated road to lesbian motherhood, and I loved Kathy Bricetti's sweet essay, "The Baby Bank," about going with her partner to a sperm bank, way back in 1992.

Christine Murphy is resisting friends' and family pressure to jump on the "baby train" in "Mommy Maybe..." -- and wondering if she's making the right choice. Liz Prato writes poignantly of her decision not to have children in "Is Life Without Kids Worth Living?" With a mother who died at fifty-eight and two aunts who passed away in their forties, she feels that "knowing the parent-child relationship can come to such an abrupt end has shut down our desire to have kids."

In "The Mother I Always Wanted," Robin Templeton describes how her pregnancy makes her finally confront the reality of her own troubled mother; sitting on an airplane on the way back home, she writes, "I fanned myself with the laminated safety instructions, closed my eyes and a neon warning scrolled behind them like an interruption from the Emergency Broadcast System: Beep. This is a test. Beep. You are your mother's chid. Beep. Your baby will be raised by a woman raised by your mother."

Eileen Flanagan also addresses the legacy of difficult mothering in her essay, "A Pellet of Poison: I Don't Want to Feed Racism to My Children the Way My Mother Fed It to Me." Untangling what she was taught from what she wants to teach her children, she searches out slave narratives, abolitionist histories, novels and songs; she writes, "In the realm of race, I can also face the heat of my family history, sweating out whatever I've absorbed and teaching my children to do the same. Stories are like saunas that can help draw the poison out of us."

And I loved Lisa Chiu's essay "Ching Chong!" which hopes her son won't hear the playground taunt that haunted her childhood: "Nico's classmates haven't yet asked him where he's from. But when they do ask--and they will--I hope he will answer the question with clarity and confidence. I hope he will respond in a way that educates people, informing them not just of his own cultural background but of a world that is multi-hued, complex, and complicated.

"It took me years to come up with my own succinct answer to the question, replying that I'm a second-generation Taiwanese American woman who was born in Canada and raised in Cleveland. It took a long time for me to learn how to define myself. Now, it is time for me to guide my son along his cultural identity journey. I know where we're from. And I'm gaining clarity in knowing where we're going."

I like these essays for asking good questions rather than presuming to have all the answers. These are women in the midst of journeys, and it's interesting to follow along with their thinking.

Want to read this book? Leave me a comment by Saturday, May 30th, and I'll choose someone at random to receive my advance galley.

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Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Celebrate Mother's Day with Motherlode!

My fabulous writing group, The Motherlode Writers, is reading at Book Passage on Sunday and we'd love for you to join us!

Motherlode is a Berkeley-based community of mother-writers. We work in a wide variety of genres, including essay, memoir, poetry, and fiction. Our work has been published in print and online outlets including The New York Times, The Washington Post, Literary Mama, a variety of anthologies, and numerous other journals, blogs and 'zines. Our recent books include Sybil Lockhart's (Touchstone/Simon & Schuster, 2009); Sophia Raday's (Beacon Press, 2009); and Caroline Grant's (Rutgers University Press, 2008). Readers also include Marian Berges, Ursula Ferreira, Rebecca Kaminsky and Sarah Kilts.

Bring the kids and join us on Mother's Day for a celebration of motherhood and writing!

Sunday May 10th 2 - 3 p.m.
Book Passage

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Wednesday, April 22, 2009

In other news...

I once tried to write an essay in which I compared my writing to the proverbially ignored third child, but the analogy didn't seem to hold up and I shelved the piece. And now it's out of date; I can't claim that my writing isn't getting much attention, and I'm grateful for that. But now this blog is becoming that third child -- the independent oldest, left alone for long periods while I tend to its younger blog siblings.

At Learning to Eat, I've been giving my muffin tin a workout, and offer recipes for blueberry, banana, and vegan banana muffins, as well as pizza. Browse around and you'll find a balanced meal or two (and the drink to accompany them).

At Mama, PhD, I've been invited to participate in a reading at UC Riverside, and posted a video of our recent event at the University of Richmond. So go check them out and I'll try to update here over the weekend.

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Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Countdown to AWP

Ten months of planning (thankfully quite intermittent)

Nine Literary Mama editors and Mama, PhD contributors I'm looking forward to meeting, talking to, sharing meals with, and getting to know much better

Eight panels I could attend each day, if I have the energy

Seven lunches and dinners without children

Six-plus years of mothering with only a couple nights away

Five writers on the Literary Mama panel: A Model of Grassroots Literary Community Building.

Four nights away, for the first time ever

Three guys I'm going to miss

Two flights alone

One big milestone

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Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Recent Writing

I've been busy this December, with a good week's vacation in snowy Connecticut with my entire family (some pictures here) followed by three days at the annual Modern Language Association convention, reporting on the proceedings for Inside Higher Ed. You can read those articles here:

MLA Realities: Then and Now

The Quest for Balance and Support

Caring for Children and Their Parents

In the midst of all that, I watched an incredible documentary about how a group of Muslim and Christian women worked together to end Liberia's fourteen-year civil war. Here's an excerpt:

Ben and his friend were in the bedroom playing war. Because they are the kinds of boys they are, the game involved Legos and negotiation of the rules but very little discernible war play. Still, because I am the kind of mom I am, I suggested some other more friendly narratives in which to involve their Legos. Then three year-old Eli, who had been listening attentively to all sides of the conversation, shouted out his peace plan:

"All war, go home! Have dinner! Go to sleep!"

We laughed (me a bit ruefully) at Eli's naiveté, but when I saw the new documentary Pray the Devil Back to Hell (Gini Reticker, 2008) I reconsidered Eli's approach.

You can read the rest of the column over at Literary Mama.

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Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Mama, PhD Event at UCA

Cross-posted at Mama, PhD...

In my essay for Mama, PhD, "The Bags I Carried," I describe a couple of the outrageous things people said to me when I was a pregnant faculty member at Stanford, and how isolated I felt, despite my very supportive chair, Andrea Lunsford, and the generally friendly atmosphere of the campus. Outrageous and isolating tend to make for better narrative than the calm waters of pleasant interactions!

But one of the people who made my life at Stanford especially collegial was Mary Ruth Marotte, who taught in the writing program with me, and happened also to be pregnant (she with twins). We talked about her dissertation project on images of pregnancy and childbirth (coming soon from Demeter Press), about the ups and downs of our classes, and about our hopes to continue teaching and writing after our children were born.

We've taken different paths in the past 7 years, but I'm not surprised that we still have a lot to talk about, and I'm delighted with the response to the symposium Mary Ruth just led at UCA with her colleague, Paige Reynolds, and Mama, PhD contributor Aeron Haynie. A write-up in the local newspaper reports:

Professors and students at the University of Central Arkansas tackled a tough subject Monday, questioning ways women are often forced to choose between raising children and pursuing an academic route.

Focusing on the book, Mama PhD: Women Write about Motherhood and Academic Life, the group presented the view that it is possible though difficult to do both.

The idea for the conference came from two English professors, Mary Ruth Marotte and Paige Reynolds, two tenure-track women who also raise children of their own.

Marotte said Mama PhD took a good look at how even 21st-century women are finding it hard to focus on both the academic world and their family.

"That's what the book does so brilliantly, to give voices to women who often feel silent," she said.

You can read the rest of the article at the Log Cabin Democrat. Thanks to all who participated in the event!


Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Calling all Ohio Area PhDs...

Calling all Stay-At-Home Doctorates!

We are exploring opportunities for stay-at-home Parents Holding Doctorates (PHD) to use their training and expertise in creative ways.

Monday October 13, 2008 7:00-8:00 pm


Wednesday October 15, 2008 1:00-2:00 pm

Museum of Biological Diversity
1315 Kinnear Road
Columbus, OH 43215

For more information, please contact
Joan Herbers herbers.4 AT osu DOT edu
Donna Wenzel dwwenzel AT msn DOT com


Monday, October 06, 2008

A Profile!

Last spring, when I was visiting Libby in Richmond, I had the chance to sit down with Elrena and Libby's colleague Terry Dolson for a long talk about mothering, graduate work, and the different paths that brought Elrena and me together to create Mama, PhD. Somehow, Terry managed to whittle the conversation down to a readable couple pages, and the result is at LiteraryMama today.

Terry starts by talking about her experience as a pregnant woman in a graduate program in English, and comments:

Was it naiveté that convinced me then that the complex path to combining motherhood and academia were mapped already? No one told me it was; no one talked about it at all. Not talking about it allows for assumptions about "how it's always been" to go unquestioned. In a comment on a recent article, one male academic seriously described academia as "a gentlemanly profession." Thank goodness that Elrena Evans and Caroline Grant's book, , begins to outline a new path. This collection of essays by women trying to navigate the "gentlemanly field" of academia may be the first step toward addressing the "ivory ceiling." I spoke with Caroline and Elrena at a coffee shop near my campus to learn what inspired this essay collection.

Click on over to LiteraryMama to read the rest!

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Wednesday, October 01, 2008

On Publicity

Elrena and I are learning so much about publicity now as we try to spread the word about Mama, PhD, we are guest blogging about it today for Cindy Green; check it out:

So you’ve written the book. You’ve gotten an offer, you’ve signed the contract, you’ve edited yourself cross-eyed. Now all you have to do is wait for publication day.

While you’re waiting, this is the perfect time to start thinking about publicity—the bridge that will span the gap between you and your readers, the tool that will bring your book to your buyers. Here are some tips to get you started:

Click on over to Cindy Green to read the rest!


Wednesday, September 03, 2008

The MotherTalk Blog Tour Wrap-Up

The MotherTalk bloggers have wrapped up their reviews of Mama, PhD, and I want to thank all of them for reading the book and spreading the word! Here are excerpts from the last few reviews; follow the links to read the complete post.

Review Planet says, "...I’m in love with the new book Mama, Ph.D. It’s a collection of stories from academic mamas who lay bare their souls about the hard times, the good parts, the special challenges (pumping in a maintenance closet — and then the dean walks in!), and why it’s all worthwhile. I think it’s also a good casebook of the situation today in many departments, and I hope that it will be used by someone or somegroup to start making changes. I hope.

Read about the theater director who takes her son to see the plays she’s directing, from backstage, with crayons. Meet the mom who adopted a child after years of infertility and a brain tumor, who found her balance at a nearby women’s college. Learn from the mathematician finding balance with three kids and a promising career. Gaze at the woman women with burgeoning bellies who still find strength to teach five classes and hold office hours.

I admire these women, for the lives they lead, and the sacrifices that they make to be fulfilled, to support their families, and to bring education and truth to the children that we raise up too. I only wish that the world would make it a little easier to both follow a passion and raise children passionately."

Viva La Feminista writes, "Mama PhD is heart wrenching and heartwarming at the same time. It shows how far we have to go as a society to truly value families and the contributions of working moms. I think this book could be replicated for almost any industry as well as with subfields of academia."

Writing in the Mountains says, "I loved reading these essays. They offered a personal view into these women's lives and a voice that tells everyone this situation needs to change."

And finally, Everyday Stranger writes, "It was well-written and engaging, and more than once I wanted to raise my fist in the air and shout "I know where you are!" (I wanted to say "Amen, sister", but am aware of the idiocy in further contributing to stereotypes. Still, first thoughts and all that.)

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Monday, September 01, 2008

Monday at the MotherTalk Blog Tour

The Black Belt Mama Review gave the book a black belt! She writes:

"At times, these essays enraged me... women who are mothers, the world's best multi-taskers, are made to feel like failures because they choose to procreate. At times these essays inspired me...hearing the tales of those who have done it, who have laughed in the face of these archaic institutions and said, "screw you!" At times, it just made me sad that there even has to be this discussion.

This was a great collection of essays. Heartfelt and poignant personal tales of women, mothers and scholars. Some have chosen one role over the other and some manage both despite the opposition. All of these women inspire me for their candor. Over the past year I have often thought about going back to get that PhD. Mama PhD has proved that I can do this...and I'm thinking I just might."

Tales from the Diaper Pail says, "The stories often draw from humor, sometimes dark, to highlight themes of loss and triumph through various stages of the academic path. Several themes resurface - the mind-body schism that seems even more poignant in an academic career as well as the feeling of ‘never enoughness’. The stories are well-written and at times, heartbreaking. ... Although these pieces are particularly relevant to mothers pursuing or in academic professions, I found themes through the book that were pertinent to women in all professions, where the pull to “perform childlessness” is quite real."

And finally, Mama(e) in Translation liked reading about our three biologists who have found fulfilling work from home: “I felt mightily comforted to read about the experiences of the three authors, Susan Bassow, Dana Campbell, and Liz Stockwell, and I can’t wait to participate in the website and resource for NTA (nontraditional academic) parents that they are planning to set up!”

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Thursday, August 28, 2008

Three More MotherTalk Mama, PhD Reviews...

Crunchy Granola read the book after a meeting in which a new faculty member was told, "There's a university child care center, and efforts to expand it and create more flexible hours are underway. Child care has been at the top of the list of the faculty women's association for years now." Years?! Comments like this make me --and I think also Crunchy Granola--shake my head in frustration; just get it done, people. She comments, "the collection is a smart, funny-sad-crazy making-amazing-wonderful set of pieces that had me nodding as I read. The authors come from a variety of fields, and a range of institutions. This collection is well-worth reading for anyone considering an academic career, and also for any administrator mentoring faculty.

Mama PhD
won't surprise anyone who's a reader of academic blogs. After all, there are lots of outlets these days for reading good personal writing on motherhood and academia, and I wondered whether I'd find the essays redundant or compelling. They were definitely compelling, though. I read quickly, learning about the different ways institutions create barriers for mothers advancing in their careers, or make it easier for those with children to advance. These are eloquent accounts of what choices women have made to accommodate their kids and careers."

21st Century Mom read from the perspective of someone who'd been a grad student in the 70s, and is now mother to two grown daughters, both of whom are considering motherhood and graduate work. She writes:

"We want it all - family, work, friends and time to train and figuring out how to do that is one of life's greatest tricks. The essays in Mama, PhD. are specific to being a mother in academia and address issues of sexism, negative perception and the tyranny of history but the solutions for how to "have it all" can be universally applied.

As a mother I want my daughters to "have it all" whatever that means to them. I want them to be able to define "it all" and to live a life that supports them in their efforts. I want their partners and their children, my future grandchildren, to "have it all" - a stable family, love, education, intellectual and cultural stimulation and financial stability. This book has, for me, been an antidote to the constant media messages telling us that trying to "have it all" is wrong, and selfish and impossible. Many of these women faced down the stereotypes, the negative attitudes, the professional denial and powered on, confident in their choices and their abilities.

I'll be sending this book to my oldest daughter soon with instructions to send it to her little sister when she's done. I hope they draw the same message from the book as did I. The world really can be your oyster as long as you can manage your time and your detractors and focus on your goals."

And finally, Third Culture Mamma writes: "This book has been described as one that should be given to all mothers in or thinking about entering academia. I would also like to add for those who are thinking about leaving academia. One of the strengths of this compilation, and there are many, is that it presents all sides: those who have or are about to jump into the deths of academia, those who are a making their way though it come hell of high water and those who have decided to leave it.

While some of the experiences recounted in this collection do tell of departments and colleagues that are supportive, it also drives home the point that academia is just the same as almost all other industries - mothers are not welcome with open arms. However, besides the negative aspects, reading this book made me feel at home. The passion I have for academia and the possibilities of merging ith with motherhood, not ignoring the numerous challenges that it brings and that are transmitted in the book, is what I wanted to read, to help me see a possible future back in academia, and becoming a Mama, PhD."

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Monday, August 25, 2008

MotherTalk Blog Tour Round-Up

More from the MotherTalk bloggers:

Christa writes: "This book is a must-have for any woman who intends to pursue motherhood and academics. In truth, it should be required reading IN the universities for everyone–male and female–in education."

And Susan says, "The writing in this book is alive, often very humorous, often fraught. The quality of these narratives is uniformly excellent. It’s creative nonfiction at its best: true stories that often read like fiction, with compelling narratives, and characters for whom much is at stake."

And finally, from They Grow In Your Heart: "This book gave me a great deal of encouragement because so many other women have decided to forgo teaching full time - like I have. And there was a continuing theme that it’s okay if motherhood takes over the academic side of your life. OR if you decide to pursue your career. But, at the same time, it’s sad. It’s sad for our students and for our schools that so many women feel forced to choose between having a family and being an educator.

Mama PhD is a great read for anyone in academia considering motherhood, any moms in academia looking for a better way, and for all administration in schools everywhere. Actually, maybe it should be required reading for administrators!"

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Saturday, August 23, 2008

On Campus with Women Reviews Mama, PhD

The MotherTalk bloggers are taking the weekend off from their reviews, but here's another nice response to the book, from a recent issue of On Campus with Women:

"These frank essays recognize the value of communicating with others over shared experience, and they offer comfort and sustenance to women who have found that motherhood shakes the foundations of academe's infamous mind-body divide.

"...Celebratory but realistic, these essays illustrate the multitude of choices available (and still unavailable) to women and the great rewards (and considerable pitfalls) of fitting motherhood into the academic mold. In offering concrete suggestions to improve institutional support for women with children, the anthology connects personal experience to systemic change and gestures toward academe's potential to provide truly family-friendly workplaces. Its stories will be of interest to young scholars contemplating motherhood, to current parents who feel isolated by expectations that they "perform childlessness," and to anyone wondering how mothers are faring within the academy. "

Click here to read the complete review!


Thursday, August 21, 2008

More from the MotherTalk/Mama, PhD Blog Tour

Here's a round-up of the last few reviews of Mama, PhD from the MotherTalk bloggers:

Life in the Hundred Acre Wood writes, "Though the anthology paints an honest yet bleak picture of academia, it is not all gloom and doom. Some women do find ways to make it work (though a few had partners able to share equally in the child care). Others, such as the single mothers, are down right heroic in their abilities to balance their work hours with raising a family. But the essays that tugged at me most, were the ones where the unrelenting demands of academia had permanently derailed these brilliant and talented mothers from attaining the holy grail -- a tenured position at a major research university. These pieces were an unpleasant reminder of the number of brain cells lost to society when we don't accommodate parents."

PCOS Baby says, "It was a very open, sometimes brutally frank, look at the academy and essentially how it fails women who want to also have a family. And yes, some of the contributors talk about how it also fails men who want to have a family—but they also make the point that men are not responsible for the physical demands of both pregnancy, birth, and nursing a baby.

". . .I think this book should be required reading for any woman going into any sort of graduate education program. And their partners."

And just so you know that I'm not only quoting the raves, Here We Go Again had some nice things to say about the book--and does think it is a great book for our target audience--but mostly it really wasn't her cup of tea:

"In general, I didn't hate this book. I didn't like it much either. I wouldn't have bought it for myself. In my opinion, it wasn't really a book for pleasure reading, which is all I do now. However, if you want to write a scholarly paper on women in academia, cite away. This would be a great research tool or a great read if you were considering either becoming a professor or a graduate student and wanted to know how it worked with motherhood. But for casual reading, try Anne of Green Gables. (I am re-reading the eight book series this week. I am on book six, Anne of Ingleside, right now.)"

Of course, we also think that the book's right for anyone considering graduate work or a career in higher education, and interested in how that might work with family life, and we do like Anne of Green Gables, too, so we'll just agree to agree on that!

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Wednesday, August 20, 2008

MotherTalk Blog Tour: Mama, PhD!

After writing ten or a dozen reviews for MotherTalk myself, I'm thrilled that for the next two weeks, it's being reviewed by the MotherTalk bloggers. Here are some highlights from the first couple days:

Mama, PhD is not just a shoulder to cry on for readers grappling with what they may have thought were unique troubles in juggling academia and motherhood, it is also a call to arms for women and men in academia to make change happen, to make academia a place consistent with the lives of both men and women. Evans and Grant, the editors of the book, understand that there is a power in speaking out, that when women hear many other women are struggling in exactly the same fashion we suddenly see our experiences not as personal incompetence but as a larger injustice.”
--blue milk

“I hope that Mama, PhD will spread the word through the bastions of higher education: policies that marginalize women also marginalize our children, our future, and our present. The glass ceiling is cracking in the business world; the marble ceiling has shattered, but gender equity hasn’t cracked the ivory tower yet.”
--Compost Happens

"I loved that a wide range of disciplines, ages, geography, and experiences are represented by the essays. The women representing the sciences, psychology, economics, and history add a depth to the conversation, one that I'm not sure could be achieved in a book of MFA's and English PhD's. Consequently, I would make this book a must-read and a must-gift for any woman contemplating or living with a graduate degree. Because so many of the women report being blindsided by parenthood and its impact on their careers, I think this is an especially important read for those considering a graduate degree."
--Life Is a Banquet

And from Peter's Cross Station:

"... it's not all about the choice between dropping out or suffering, Mama PhD also tells more than one tale of a mother at the end of her rope who was thrown a fresh one by an enlightened advisor, mentor or department chair. There are a few corners of academe that have put all the feminist theory of the past thirty years into some kind of practice and support actual women (and their children). There are small institutions that place a community value on families and children and the well-rounded well being of professors."

Check out the MotherTalk site for more updates on the tour!

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Wednesday, July 30, 2008

A new book, a new blog...

Mama, PhD is just starting to make its way out in the world, and yet my attention is split between that and my new book project, Learning to Eat, which I'm co-editing with Mama, PhD contributor Lisa Harper.

As the book proposal makes the rounds, we're blogging about feeding our kids. Right now, our summer travels have us writing about learning to eat in Hawaii, in Paris, and on airplanes, but eventually, we'll get back to where it all started: the kitchen, the playground, the dinner table.

Come join the conversation!

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Monday, July 28, 2008

Mama, PhD on The Debutante Ball

Months ago, the lovely and talented Gail Konop Baker, a former Literary Mama columnist, invited Elrena and me to guest blog at The Debutante Ball, a group blog for writers publishing their first book. It was a fun post to write -- and I hope a fun post to read! Here's an excerpt from "3,000 Miles, Two Writers, One Book:"

Meet over email. Of course; you live, after all, 3,000 miles apart, but it helps our relationship get into writing right away. We are literally words on a page (screen) to each other for the first year of our collaboration (we don’t even talk on the phone!) It doesn’t hurt that we meet via Elrena’s submission to the section of Literary Mama that Caroline is editing at the time.

Meet when one of you is pregnant. This helps get the conversation personal, pronto, as Caroline cautions Elrena that she might not get back to her very promptly with edits.

Don’t always stick to the point. We know we are both writers, and mothers, and if we’d stayed on topic it might have stayed at that. Instead, we digress into breastfeeding and parenting and graduate school and ivory tower life — and friendship. And then, ultimately, a book.

Click on over to The Debutante Ball to read the rest!

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Sunday, June 29, 2008

We have a winner!

But don't let that stop you from posting a review on Amazon -- there'll be more great prizes coming later this summer.


Friday, June 27, 2008

Mama, PhD: The Giveaway

Did you hear about the Mama, PhD gear? We've got t-shirts, of course, and hats and bags, but did you also know we have the all-important license plate holders and beer steins at our Cafe Press shop? Sure, why not?

So as long as we're making all this stuff, I'll be giving some away to faithful readers every once in a while. Today, I've got one men's large Mama, PhD t-shirt for the first person to post a brief review of the book on our . And by brief, I do mean brief; if all you have in you is "Nice cover!" then I'll be satisfied with that. I'm just looking for a little action over there. Post your blurb, send me the link, and you get a cozy t-shirt, good for a nightshirt, beach cover up, or a gift to the Mama, PhD-supporting man in your life.

And next month, maybe I'll give away a stein!

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Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Mama, PhD: The Movie

Yes, it's true, the been out a couple weeks now (though we're not yet at our official publication date), the blog's been going for a couple of months, and even the store is doing some brisk business in Mama, PhD gear. Clearly it was time for the next step (clearly Elrena either had a pressing deadline, or had just a bit of time on her hands!):


Saturday, June 14, 2008

A Review!

Mama, PhD is getting out into the world now, making its way to readers and reviewers. Today, we spotted this review on Activistas, by the wonderful Bob Drago (whom we considered wonderful, for the work he does on academics and family life, even before he wrote this review). Here's an excerpt:

This is easily the most important piece of work to date on academics and family issues, full-stop, because the editors draw out from the authors all of the messiness, the highs and lows, the fears and hopes, the pride, guilt, anger, love and sense of failure and accomplishment and mainly great stories that comprise life for so many moms who try to make it as academics. The panopoly of supportive or unkind department chairs and colleagues, high and low status schools, childcare arrangements that work or don't work, supportive or non-existent partners, and perfect and not-so-perfect children is all here.

You can click on over to Activistas to read the rest!

cross-posted from Mama, PhD


Monday, June 02, 2008

The Boston Globe on Work/Family Issues

First, check out Mama, PhD contributor Rebecca Steinitz's article titled "The Rest of Us:"

Summer vacation looms large among the specters that haunt the 2 a.m. anxiety fests of the working mother. While corporate titans turn to their nannies, and stay-at-home moms schedule swimming-lesson car pools, the rest of us lie awake, trying to figure it out.

Then, read Kristen Green's terrific article, The write time, which focuses specifically on issues facing women working toward their doctorates who want to have children, too:

Terra Barnes is a 29-year-old neuroscientist working toward her doctorate at the Graybiel Laboratory at MIT, one of the most prestigious in the country. She's also a smitten mother of 9-month-old Brayden.

Changing diapers and performing brain surgeries don't exactly go together, but Barnes felt she didn't have a choice. She wanted to have a baby, and she needed to finish her dissertation.

She's still figuring out how to make it work. . . .
And of course, for more stories about how women in academia are figuring out how to make it all work, check out .


Friday, May 30, 2008

Search Inside!

I think the only thing better than having a copy of your new arrive in the mail is discovering that it's available for on-line searching! I clicked around happily (there's Jennifer's essay! oh, here's a page of Alissa's! and here's Libby's! and Elrena's! and Lisa's!), getting reacquainted with old friends, compiling random stats (3 pages--that seems low, actually-- with references to breastfeeding, 9 pages with references to naps, 71 pages referencing tenure) until I realized it was time to pick up Ben from school.

So click around and let me know what you think!


Wednesday, May 28, 2008

How to Celebrate Your Book's Publication, Day One

Courtesy of Tony, without whom the book really wouldn't exist anyway.


Sunday, May 04, 2008

Mama, PhD at InsideHigherEd!

I am thrilled to announce that InsideHigherEd is launching a new Mama PhD blog, and seven of the book's contributors — Libby Gruner, Megan Kajitani, Susan Bassow, Dana Campbell, Liz Stockwell, Anjalee Nadkarni and Della Fenster — will be blogging regularly there. This is a tremendous opportunity to bring the discussion of academic work/ family life balance issues out of the book, into the blogosphere and from there into classrooms and campus administrative offices.

Please check out the blog, leave your comments, and send questions to Megan (for now, via ; the blog will soon list a more direct address) who will be writing a weekly advice column. And then please spread the word! Tell your friends, add the link to your blogroll, and help us build an audience for these fabulous bloggers.


Friday, April 11, 2008

Some Nice PR

Check out the write-up of Mama, PhD in the latest issue of eGrad, a newsletter for Berkeley graduate students:

Up on the web — it’s a site, it’s a blog, it’s a book!

Mainly, at the moment, it’s (almost) a book. It just happens to have the regulation 21st–century promotional bells and whistles, so it’s an instant community, and not a tiny one at that.

Read the rest of the article here. We're hoping to do some readings and campus talks at Berkeley next fall, so stayed tuned!

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Saturday, February 09, 2008

Nice Timing

The fortune in my cookie tonight:

The world will soon be ready to receive your talents.

And they're .

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Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Presenting... Mama, PhD!

And did I yet that this is for ? It's never too soon to start your 2008 Christmas shopping!

Oh, and no, the book is not 27 pages. More like 288. We'll get that fixed.


Monday, August 27, 2007

Two More Reviews of Mama, PhD!

Two more wonderful endorsements have come in for Mama, PhD and I'm a very proud mama, indeed:

"All those sleepless nights and dirty diapers and baby food in your hair --where's the discursive construction of motherhood when you need it? It's here, in these smart, funny, poignant essays that struggle to balance mind and body, to balance body and soul."
--Catherine Newman, PhD, author of

"This is a charming, heartfelt book that expresses the difficulties and the joys of combining a life in academia with motherhood. Each story is different, but the experiences and challenges are widely shared."
--Mary Ann Mason, author of

We've got a long wait still before the book comes out, so be patient; you know I'll let you know when you can pre-order...


Wednesday, August 15, 2007

An Early Review!

Mama, PhD has received its first review, and I couldn't be prouder. Robert Drago, author of Striking a Balance: Work, Family, Life (Dollars & Sense, 2007) says, “Through the voices of those who have weathered the storm, Mama PhD fills a crucial gap in our understanding of why gender equity has been so difficult to achieve in academe. More importantly, it provides invaluable lessons for young scholars — both men and women — striving to navigate family and academic careers.”


Monday, August 13, 2007

New Fiction at Literary Mama

My Mama, PhD co-editor, Elrena Evans, has a beautiful short story up on Literary Mama this month. Here's an excerpt:

It was day two of the journey home, and I missed Miriam. On the way to Yerushalayim for the Feast of the Passover our families had walked together, her friendship a welcome comfort on the dry, dusty road. But Yosef, her husband, had been eager to get back home to Nazerat, and my little ones were moving more slowly each day. “Go on ahead,” I’d finally told Miriam, midmorning on the first day after the Feast. “I’ll bring Yeshua back when we get to Nazarat. Or whenever I run out of food.”

Miriam had laughed. Her eldest son, Yeshua, was my eldest son David’s constant companion. The boys were inseparable, so much so that when I looked at my family I either saw three children, or five. If Yeshua wasn’t around, neither was David.

One, two, three, four, five, I counted in silent rhythm as we walked, one, two, three, four, five. Five children. All present, all accounted for.

I paused for a moment on the dusty trail. Thoughts of Miriam slipped from my mind as I realized my feet were tired, my arms sore, and my overnursed breasts like smoldering coals beneath my dusty robe. One, two, three, four, five, I counted again. One, two, three, four, five.

I arched my back, shifted my daughter’s weight from one hip to the other. But as I moved her she awoke, instantly hungry, and began frantically searching for my breast. I sighed and called to my husband.

“Ba’al, we need to stop. Zahara needs to feed again.”

He looked at me. “Why can’t you just feed her as we walk?”

I closed my eyes and counted four breaths before I answered. It was useless getting angry with him, he’d never nursed a baby. He couldn’t understand. Once again, I missed Miriam.

Click on over to Literary Mama to read the rest!

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