Sunday, February 11, 2007

Book Club Works

Literary Mama contributor Cindy Dyson has just launched Book Club Works, a grassroots, adoption-style program that matches the thousands of book clubs across the country with the thousands of literacy teachers, activists and volunteers in order to bring the transforming power of books to the people who need it most.

For literacy workers Book Club Works means a steady supply of free, great books. It
means knowing a group of readers cares about his or her work. Just a few of the lit-
workers who will benefit:
  • tribal teachers
  • disaster relief workers
  • homeless shelters
  • battered women’s shelters
  • detention centers
  • prisons
  • inner city programs

For book clubs, BCW means having a way to share their love for and knowledge of
books beyond their current circle of influence.

Because BCW simply provides a place for book clubs and literacy workers to find each
other, there are no programs or rules. No bureaucracy to slow down the process of
getting books to the people who need them most. Simply one book club adopting one
teacher or literacy worker and meeting that teacher’s book needs.

Book Club Works has just launched and is eager for literacy workers and book clubs to
join before taking the program nationwide. Check out the website and sign up your book club now!



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