Mama at the Movies: Ponyo and The Secret of Roan Inish

It was sea-creature month at the movies for me, first taking Eli to see the new Miyazaki film, Ponyo, and then watching The Secret of Roan Inish on my own. Here's an excerpt from my latest Mama at the Movies column:
With all the summer buzz about the new Hayao Miyazaki film, Ponyo (2009), I thought maybe this would be my son Ben's first movie-theater movie. He's been reluctant to go to the theater, cautious of the loud soundtrack and the sense of disappearing into the story (which of course I love). I showed both boys the trailer and Ben, not surprisingly, said "That looks like a movie I might want to watch at home on DVD." But his younger brother Eli wanted to go to the movies, and so while Ben was at school one day the two of us went to the theater together for the first time since he was a sling-riding baby who nursed while I dropped bits of popcorn on his head.Please visit Literary Mama to read the rest!

Labels: john sayles, literary mama, mama at the movies, miyazaki, ponyo, roan inish