Literary Mama is doing a special issue focusing on STEPPARENTING, and we need your help and your writing!
Literary Mama has always welcomed -- encouraged --
made it our mission -- to feature the many voices and faces of motherhood. That includes stepmothers, of course.
Next March, we're publishing a month's worth of writing by stepmothers about the stepparenting experience. Please submit! And please, if you know a stepmother who has something contribute, pass this Call for Submissions on to her.
And if you're a mother who is
not a stepmother but who writes about stepparenting, please send us your work, too.
Call for Submissions
(Please circulate widely)
Literary Mama, an internationally-acclaimed online literary magazine ( seeks top-notch writing for a special March 2007 issue: Stepparenting.
According to The Stepfamily Foundation, 64% of families today live in some form of divorced and/or stepfamily relationship. From Snow White's evil witch of a stepmother to Hamlet's stepfather (who killed Hamlet's dad, married his mother, and stole the throne), stepmothers and stepfathers get a bad rap in literature. And the stepparent point of view? Rarely seen and explored.
For our Special Issue on Stepparenting,
Literary Mama seeks fiction, creative nonfiction, literary reflections, poetry, and a guest column ("Faces of Motherhood") BY stepparents ABOUT the stepparenting experience.
Deadline: December 31, 2006
Our guidelines vary by department. Before submitting, review individual guidelines at:
Submissions in the text of an email along with a brief cover letter. Please put "Stepparenting Submission from Your Name" in the subject heading.
Editor: Susan Ito --
Submissions both in the text of an email and as an attachment.
Editor: Shari MacDonald Strong --
Submissions of 750-5000 words in the text of an email and/or attached Word document, along with a brief cover letter.
Editor: Caroline Grant --
Poems of any length and form. Maximum of four poems per submission. Please send submissions in the text of an email.
Editor: Rachel Iverson --
Seeking personal essays of 600-1200 words about how being a "mom-by-marriage" makes you feel out of step with the mainstream image of mothers. Send submissions in the text of an email, along with a brief cover letter.
Editors: Marjorie Osterhout and Erin Sullivan --
General notes:
* Response time up to 4 weeks.
* Authors retain rights. Please credit us if your work is republished.
* Simultaneous submissions okay as long as you notify us if accepted elsewhere.
* We prefer previously unpublished work. We will consider reprints, however, if you have the rights and the work is not currently available online.
* Electronic submissions only.
* Literary Mama attracts over 30,000 unique visitors a month. We do not, however, pay our writers or editors -- we are all volunteers here.
More Questions?